Tag 'mental health'
Everyday sustainable living tips
With the current climate crisis looming over the world, more and more people are becoming concerned with environmental issues, wanting to do more to help. However, it can be hard to know where to start, especially with a lot of pollution and other global warming factors being caused by big businesses. There are many things the everyday person can do to decrease their carbon footprint - the tips below should help!
Can video games be good for your mental health?
Video games are often much maligned, with many people seeing them as detrimental to both mental and physical health - the typical stereotype of a gamer is someone who stays inside all day playing games, looking at screens and getting little exercise. However, this stereotype is widely outdated and is generally untrue for most gamers, with research emerging recently to show that video games can actually have a positive effect on your overall mental health.
Confucian Work Ethic
Confucius was a Chinese philosopher and politician who is still increasingly relevant in today’s society despite his death in 479 BC. His legacy lives on through theories such as the Confucius Work Ethic, which is increasingly popular in his native China. Our experts at Virtue Gaming have recognised the benefits that adapting his teachings can have on both our everyday life and the environment. This is why we have created this blog that defines Confucius’ theory and underlined how it can be adapted.
Can Mobile Gaming Really Be Good for Your Brain and the Planet?
In the fast-paced, demanding, and stressful world we live in there is a growing base of evidence that informs us that stress can be detrimental to our health.
How gaming can assist with stress
Among the many health benefits of gaming, stress relief has surfaced as a benefit in undertaken exploring the relationship between gameplay and stress levels. The research suggests that video and mobile games can offer a safe sandbox for people to develop their coping skills and enhance their levels of emotional awareness, allowing them to improve how they handle stressful situations in real-world applications.
The case for mobile gaming
From predatory in-app purchases in free-to-play games, which leave players spending more than they realise, to YouTubers incessantly advertising time sinks with stuttery framerates and uninteresting gameplay: poor examples of mobile gaming have been everywhere recently. Nonetheless, mobile gaming should not be treated as a lost cause, nor a no-man's-land of gaming ethics.
Improving lockdown mental health with mobile gaming
2020 has already been a difficult year and has caused mental health to suffer for many people. However, there has been an increased dependence on technology and gaming to pass the time. Mobile gaming is often free to play and having entertainment, a way to socialise and a way to learn all in the palm of your hand has been essential to helping combat mental health issues.
The great escape: How video games can boost mental health
Since the earliest days of video games, there has always been controversy around whether gaming is a force for good or ill. Like anything else, the answer to this probably differs from person to person, but the consensus does seem to be shifting over time.