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Tag 'Social'

Can video games be good for your mental health?

Video games are often much maligned, with many people seeing them as detrimental to both mental and physical health - the typical stereotype of a gamer is someone who stays inside all day playing games, looking at screens and getting little exercise. However, this stereotype is widely outdated and is generally untrue for most gamers, with research emerging recently to show that video games can actually have a positive effect on your overall mental health.

Improving lockdown mental health with mobile gaming

Improving lockdown mental health with mobile gaming

2020 has already been a difficult year and has caused mental health to suffer for many people. However, there has been an increased dependence on technology and gaming to pass the time. Mobile gaming is often free to play and having entertainment, a way to socialise and a way to learn all in the palm of your hand has been essential to helping combat mental health issues.

Three useful ways to spend time on your phone

Three useful ways to spend time on your phone

In an age where technology appears to be more important than ever, we seem to be bombarded with messages about how we should spend less time on our phones. We are made to believe that our phones are a distraction, but who’s to say that this is entirely negative?

Make the most of the social side of gaming

Make the most of the social side of gaming

Many people associate gaming with loneliness and anti-social personalities but there are plenty of positives to gaming whether you prefer free to play or hardcore console and PC gaming. 

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