Tag 'Plastic Pollution'
3 easy steps to reduce your plastic waste
Plastic packaging and products are so common, we have become complacent about buying them and discarding them. We put our faith in inefficient recycling programs, often failing to realise that very little of the plastic ends up being recycled.
As conscious consumers, we can make changes to the way we buy to reduce the plastic we put into the environment. Here are some simple steps we can take.
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Every era has iconic images that shocked the world and finally inspired action, whether it was images of starving polar bears caused by the failing ozone layer or starving children as a result of the Ethiopian famine. For the next generation of conservationists, one of the most disturbing sights on earth has to be the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. But what is it, how did it get there and how can we address it?
Rewilding, the key to a sustainable future
It is no secret that the world's ecosystems are in a bad way. Widespread deforestation, pollution and unchecked economic development have degraded some landscapes to a shadow of their former selves. One solution to this global problem is that of ‘rewilding’ which has been gaining much attention in recent years. But what exactly is it?
Why does plastic pose such a problem for our oceans?
It is a widely acknowledged problem and for many years environmental charities have campaigned to clean up the ocean. The very visible impact of plastic waste can be seen on coastlines around the world, and its impact on wildlife is tragically being seen more and more often.
5 surprising things you can recycle
Everyone who is even slightly aware of the problems facing our planet from the depletion of natural resources to plastic pollution is probably well used to the routine of recycling paper, card, plastic and glass.