Tag 'Going Green'
Can we game green?
Keeping an eye on our carbon footprint isn't always as easy as switching off and recycling. There are a lot of ways in which we use or facilitate energy that goes straight under our radar, or at least we pretend they do. The way we game is perhaps the biggest culprit of this sort for Millennials and Gen Z to contend with.
How does fast fashion impact the planet?
When we talk about saving the environment, we often think about conserving wildlife, saving bees and donating to charity. But what about something as simple as fashion and clothing? Can the £2 bargain top you brought from Primark last week really be causing climate change? The answer, unfortunately, is yes.
How China is turning green
China is often regarded as the bane of environmentalism, long seen as the world’s biggest polluter and the greatest threat to reversing the man-made effects of climate change.
The environmental cost of fast fashion
80 billion items of clothing are consumed globally every year, but only 10% reach charity shops or are recycled, according to the documentary The True Cost.
New planetary health diet advice announced
An international commission has recently released advice about how we need to shift our diet in order to tackle climate change and our over-population issues.
3 ways to go green
We are all faced with worrying global issues. Climate change is creating almost daily headlines about extreme weather; we are living in a time of rising pollution and deforestation.