Everyday sustainable living tips
Everyday sustainable living tips
With the current climate crisis looming over the world, more and more people are becoming concerned with environmental issues, wanting to do more to help. However, it can be hard to know where to start, especially with a lot of pollution and other global warming factors being caused by big businesses. There are many things the everyday person can do to decrease their carbon footprint - the tips below should help!
Cut out meat and eat more plants
One of the biggest contributors to global warming is meat, particularly from beef farming. Cutting down on your meat consumption is a great way to do your bit for the planet, also helping with the associated animal rights issues. The more people cut down on eating meat, the less meat will be farmed for food, which should hopefully lead to fewer emissions being produced into the atmosphere. There are many meat-free alternatives available at the moment, and cutting down on meat is also healthier for you in the long run, so it's a bit of a no-brainer!
Use less water
Using less water sounds hard at first, but if you're interested in saving the planet, then it's a good way to get started. Be careful with how often you wash your clothes and shower - you could also purchase a water-saving showerhead if you like to shower every day. Other water-saving tips include turning your taps off whilst brushing your teeth and checking for any leaky pipes, as they're rather common.
Turn all electrical devices off when you're not using them
This is quite a common tip for sustainable living, but most people forget to turn things off standby, which unnecessarily uses up electricity when it is not needed. When you turn your television or games console off, make sure you switch them off at the plug and that the standby light is off. It's also worth turning off other electrical devices at the socket when they aren't being used - for example, why not switch your wi-fi off each night when you go to bed? This is an easy way in which anyone can reduce their electricity wastage, also saving you money on your electric bill.
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