Eco Concerns
Everyday sustainable living tips
With the current climate crisis looming over the world, more and more people are becoming concerned with environmental issues, wanting to do more to help. However, it can be hard to know where to start, especially with a lot of pollution and other global warming factors being caused by big businesses. There are many things the everyday person can do to decrease their carbon footprint - the tips below should help!
Can video games be good for your mental health?
Video games are often much maligned, with many people seeing them as detrimental to both mental and physical health - the typical stereotype of a gamer is someone who stays inside all day playing games, looking at screens and getting little exercise. However, this stereotype is widely outdated and is generally untrue for most gamers, with research emerging recently to show that video games can actually have a positive effect on your overall mental health.
3 easy steps to reduce your plastic waste
Plastic packaging and products are so common, we have become complacent about buying them and discarding them. We put our faith in inefficient recycling programs, often failing to realise that very little of the plastic ends up being recycled.
As conscious consumers, we can make changes to the way we buy to reduce the plastic we put into the environment. Here are some simple steps we can take.
How to be an eco-friendly business owner?
We must all do our part to address concerns like deforestation, climate change and pollution in order to better protect our world for future generations. With the business sector accounting for a significant number of greenhouse emissions, it's critical that all businesses make efforts to become more eco-friendly. Read on to learn how a business owner can ensure that everything they do is as green and sustainable as possible.
How gaming affects the environment
There is a negative aspect to gaming that isn’t as widely discussed as it should be, and that’s the environmental impact of consoles. In this blog post, we discuss how consoles affect the environment as well as the alternatives available out there.
What can you do to help the bees?
The bee plays a critical role in our ecosystem, however, for the last decade or so, bee populations have been declining at an alarming rate. This is due to a number of reasons, such as pesticide use, climate change, pollution and more. Without bees, not only will we not have access to honey, a natural sweetener and antibiotic, but plants won't be pollinated, resulting in fewer flowers and possible food shortages. There are a number of small lifestyle changes that you can make to help support our ecosystem and its bee populations.
Confucian Work Ethic
Confucius was a Chinese philosopher and politician who is still increasingly relevant in today’s society despite his death in 479 BC. His legacy lives on through theories such as the Confucius Work Ethic, which is increasingly popular in his native China. Our experts at Virtue Gaming have recognised the benefits that adapting his teachings can have on both our everyday life and the environment. This is why we have created this blog that defines Confucius’ theory and underlined how it can be adapted.
How is deforestation affecting climate change?
Deforestation is a significant issue in countries like Brazil and Indonesia, where the natural world is being destroyed at an alarming rate. But what does it mean for climate change?